That way i have a soft copy of the data saved to a computercloud, and a hard copy of the data and target in a binder. I stuck it in a log book cover that has room for pens, small calculator, etc. The rifle data book is probably one of the prime most examples of data management used for long range shooting because it is quite literally a history of the weapon system. These days, shooters are advised to keep a shooting diary which i interpret to mean an afterthefact writing up of the events, happenings, and sensations etc. But, like anything else a shooter does, the shooting data must be recorded and recorded accurately to be of any real use. May 21, 2007 plotting sheet for longrange shooters. Theres enough summary tables in there that you can track data for various ammo.
The data cards will allow you to record the history of each shot you take. Reloading ammunition is both fun and rewarding for match shooters, hunters, and weekend plinkers alike. Shooting logbook, target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams, shooting data, sport shooting record logbook. Handloading logbook, target, target diagrams, range shooting book, shooting data book, due to covid19, orders may be delayed.
I doubt many sb shooters keep any more of a data book than i do. My printer does this automatically but you may have to run your paper through your printer twice to accomplish the same. Jogs memory to not forget troublesome conditions that will cause a miss target and low score. Rifle data book a lesson in dope primal rights, inc. Early winter is the best time to catch your biggest pike or muskie on the fly. Shooter log book, shooters logbook, shooting logbook, shot recording with target diagrams. Shooting sports usa 7 competitive shooting books you need. This is reloaders cloud, your personal reloading log book and shooting result management tool. Jun 29, 2017 serious shooters keep a dope or data book on particular weapons for a good reason.
Shooters information page, weapons information page, multiple ballistic charts for common factory ammunition, yards to meters conversion page, fclass target information page, fclass rifle class information page, fclass rifle rest information page. As a public service in support of military, police, and armed citizen marksmanship, is pleased to provide web site space for the dbg target tracker system tts and the dbg target tracker system law enforcement ttsle. This book was written for the express purpose of making shooting, coaching, and wind reading easy. She is the mother of champion shooters michelle gallagher and sherri gallagher. From reloading to inventory to keeping a log of each shot fired and the result on target. Reading those posts made me glad that i dont keep a hand written log book. The shooter s log helps that shooter s coach help the shooter improve the shooter s performance since the coach has a record of each shot. A training and competition performance logbook for pistol and rifle sport shooters as want to read. Our sincere thanks to dbg, who donated these products as a fundraising vehicle for survivalblog. Plotting sheet for longrange shooters daily bulletin. Shooters data book, shooting data book, shooting record book, shot recording with target diagrams, minimalist grey cover. Shooting logbook, target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams, shooting data, sport shooting record logbook, blank shooters log shooting log book tracker rated 0. Impact data books has a set of waterproof log cards and binders that fit most target shooting and hunting. Not only does this help you develop patience and attentiveness to each shot, but its a firing rate that prevents your barrel from heating, which.
Storm tactical precision rifle data book user manual. This free form allows handloaders to document their tool settings, bushing size, powder charge, load specs coal etc. Storm tactical pocket data book data books long range. Nancy tompkins is one of the most successful shooters in history, and in this book she breaks down the complex subjects used in long range rifle shooting in a concise way. Rifle log book minute and second of arc telescopic sight. Storm tactical, precision rifle data books, usmc sniper. But i dont do any shotbyshot recording of what is going on as i am shooting.
Founded by frank galli in 2014, snipers hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. This is a printable log book designed to be hole punched and put in a binder. Precisionsniper log book notes chebucto community net. Sinclair international long range shooters logbook sinclair. Storm tactical free downloads, targets, sniper rifle. Some also separate the tactical instant needs and stuff thats just data collection for future use in choosing loads etc. In addition, shotmuse3 has builtin databases that can list your ammo supplies and your firearms inventory. Besides the instructional sections of the book ryan has also included select ballistics tables, dope cards, round count log. By danny reever shooters notebooks aka data books or log books allow the shooter to record critical shot data and general information. Avoid the black friday madness with these early walmart deals. Target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams, shooting data, sport shooting record logbook, notebook journal blank shooters log shooting journal volume 12 swanson, hershel on. Having an excel spreadsheet or something similar full of every bit of info worth keeping track of for shooting and having a separate tactical log, or quick reference log. Btw you can get this planner with free shipping with the code 20991.
Shooting stats from 2010 4 thoughts on diy rifle logbook january 23, 2011 at 11. This notebook journal blank shooters log, target, handloading logbook. Navy seal and is best utilized as a training aid for marksmanship development within the law enforcement and military. Dope cards and ballistic charts low tech best for long. High power and fclass shooters can use these to mark their shot locations and record their wind calls. We were also the first to offer free printable targets that exactly match the target pages in the data book, a true modular system. Functioning like a logbook, this multipurpose app can record shot locations, scores, and wind values during practice. October 21st, 2015 free printable reloading data sheets and box label templates.
Once im done with a range session, i 3 hole punch the targets i shot, and annotate which line from the load data print out shot what target. Customize internal cards with readers own home rage and course of fire. This notebook journal blank shooters log, target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams great book. Reloading log 2nd tab factory ammo data log 3rd tab mv variation based on ammo temp table and curve there is a tab to place your ballistic software charts as well if youd prefer a printable copy can be found here in case you like to do it on the bench w pen and paper 2 range card template click to download. Storm tactical, precision rifle data books, usmc sniper, army.
The days of collecting your shooting information in premade books designed by someone who perceives how you may shoot, and offers you a data book of target pages that are little to no value to you are long gone. This book goes well beyond just a book full of plot pages. Second edition edited and published by gil hebard first printed in 1973, the pistol shooter s treasury has the look of a homemade book the type is a bit small, the layout isnt very sophisticated and the photo reproduction isnt very clear. Our goal was to produce a basic and introductory rifle log book that will help you record, log, and learn from each trip you take to the range. At 5x4 they are smaller than other data books and yet are packed with information and data entry field across 210 pages. Use this load development target to keep track of your hand loading details and results all on the same page. In the example used, we saw the shooter take three shots. Its two pages and covers a cross the course 80 round match standing, sitting rapid, prone rapid, and prone. Target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, including target diagrams paperback march 7, 2017. Everyone who owns a precision rifle keeps a dope or data book on that weapon at least they do if they are serious shooters. Featured contributor larry medler has created nice plotting sheets for both standard and fclass targets.
The thread featured several photos from various log books, which is the typical way many shooters keep track of whats what. Nra fclass book modular, premade, custom datalog books. Pages are oriented so you dont lay your hand on the spiral binding when you are writing. Storm tactical pocket data books are storm tacticals most compact book designed for use in the field and for tactical rifle competitions where a lightweight, portable data book is needed. The data book page is designed to log ten shots the maximum you should fire into a single target. The top 15 most concealable semiautomatic handguns. Here is the sheet i use to plot my shots at 600 yards. I picked the 3 ring heavy paper style and it is top notch. Excel templates for reloading, data logging, targets. Navy seal and is best utilized as a training aid for marksmanship development within the law enforcement and military communities. This notebook journal blank shooters log, target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams great. I never liked long books with only minimal pages of usable information.
I have tried to place only the pertinent information i felt was important in this text and left out the filler. Free printable reloading data sheets and box label. This two page log book is made specifically for nra high power rifle matches. Premade data book modular, premade, custom datalog books. Shooters information page, weapons information page, personal data sheet, multiple ballistic charts for common factory ammunition, range estimation formulas, basic size reference. Within the pages, there is a table for you to fill in your ballistic data, a round count log, reference pages to explain things like moa, milliradians, several common milreticles, how to estimate range with a mil reticle, a page to plot your holdover and wind hold info, sample wind drift data for a few common rounds. Right click the link below, then save target as and download to your hard. Incorporate your own style or department policy standards and you are on you way to creating the skills necessary with becoming a professional shooter. Help keep track of the ammo you are using and your results.
This gives you 180 usable data collection pages and 20 pages of reference material. Shooter data book, shooters journal, if you love shooting guns at the range and want to organize your progress on testing bullets and long range shots, then this is the book for you. The paperback of the shooting log book shooting data book. Solves shooting problems by helping the sportsman find solutions quickly. Right click the link below, then save target as and download to your hard drive. Redding reloading is now providing advanced handloaders data sheets in printable pdf format. December 25th, 2012 free plot sheets for high power and fclass. Plenty of places on the net detail the importance of and what information should be in a log book. Itc data book 1 red logo pistol shooting tips sniper training duty gear personal progress apocalypse survival red logo team leader military equipment navy seals data book 1 was the first in a series developed by a u. Nra high power shooters data log book bison ballistics. Page one covers the standing and sitting stages, and page two covers the two prone stages 300 and 600 yards. Storm tactical user manual 21 pages, 7 mb pdf file storm tactical moa target pack with dot drill targets rifle range in yards. This very hard to find book is an introduction to target shooting with a detailed overview of equipment and practices and is well illustrated with many plates of top level equipment of the day. To log data, ive seen everything used from simple note cards to huge ledger books and everything in between.
I just started reloading and keep a seperate log book to track the ammo i load. I got my data book in a 6hole mini binderformat with rite in the rain paper. When called into duty, no matter the situation, they have a solid idea about how the firearm will perform. The first thing you will notice when you do a search for rifle data book is a few hundred different databooks and styles of data logging. The rifle data book can be store bought or homemade but it is built upon hours of shooting in different conditions to help understand how the rifle responds. Shooting sports shooting range bullet drop sniper gear bow target reloading room long rifle self defense weapons hunting rifles.
I have a storm tactical book, good info and contents but i have since gone to a smaller rite in the rain book for 2 rifles, here is why. Risultato immagine per sniper log book pdf range shooter, remington 700, bolt. New iphone shooters app has multiple functions daily bulletin. Formed in 2003, storm tactical was the first data book producer to offer custom made pages, and fully customized books. Serious shooters keep a dope or data book on particular weapons for a good reason. Some you pay for, and some you can download for free.
Here the coach would take note of where the shooter called the shots and also has a record of the points of impact. Our longrange plot book includes the following plot sheets. Aug 08, 2010 from reloading to inventory to keeping a log of each shot fired and the result on target. The arizona desert sharpshooters website offers a complete collection of competition plot sheets. Nancy has been on seven palma teams, won seven leech cups, the fullbore nationals and the metric smallbore nationals. Keeping a hard copy of datatargets has been one of the best things ive done in. This free service was created by a group of shooting enthusiasts and long time reloaders. The goal is to check and verify these numbers, and in the process, build a data card that i keep in my magpul core precision rifle data book, that tells me what exact adjustment did adjust the. The shooters log firearmsguns blog cheaper than dirt. A recent thread on another forum about showing your pet loads got me to thinking. Oct 31, 2011 new iphone shooters app has multiple functions. Print off multiple copies to keep in your range bag. Author and competitor nancy gallagher tompkins lives in arizona, with her husband, mid. Journal blank shooters log, target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams great book shooting data.
Without accurate data, no real wisdom can be gained or passed on. Our goal is to give you the shooter a book that is designed 100% around your. Each section lets you record your target hits, sight adjustments, calls. Introduction to shooting this book was written for the express purpose of making shooting, coaching, and wind reading easy. Let us say your best recipe uses a berger hybrid bullet. Target, handloading logbook, range shooting book, target diagrams, shooting data, sport shooting record logbook. It will show you the hits, the close misses, and the environment that you, your rifle, and your optic work best in. I didnt know what i was doing or i would have ordered the book with blank target pages, when you shoot different targets target shapes my ocd wants the pages to correspond.
Data book 1 was the first in a series developed by a u. Impact data books modular, premade, custom datalog books. Shooter log book, shooters logbook, shooting logbook, shot recording with target diagrams, black cover volume 25 publishing, moito on. Adrenaline junkies, outdoor sports, fitness, and survival. Keeping a log one of the easiest and costeffective ways to improve your reloaded ammos performance is to keep a log especially if you are using a multistage press to produce several rounds at a time. Brownells is your source for shooters log books at brownells parts and accessories. These plot sheets were created by shooter reid perry. Ideally, a precision shooter plans each shot so its focused, analyzed and carefully recorded. Free plot sheets for high power and fclass daily bulletin.
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